Tuesday 23 March 2010

What is Mathematics

Is it a science, an art, or something else altogether?
Most universities give math majors a Bachelor of Science degree. And I am sure anybody who has studied or worked with math would agree that it feels far more like doing science than painting a picture or composing a poem.

Yet a number of mathematicians ardently believe that mathematics is an art. As a friend of mine from grad school used to say, “Science is about the Why and How, but math is about the Wow.” He is echoing the great mathematician G.H. Hardy, (of Hardy-Ramanujan fame) who wrote, “A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas.”

The way I see it, the crucial difference between the arts and sciences is the primacy of Truth. One may argue endlessly about whether Tagore’s writings are more beautiful or appealing or resonant than Shakespeare’s, but there’s no meaningful sense in which either can be said to be true or false.
But in science, truth is all. A scientist may use aesthetic appeal as a guide to formulating her theories, but “even the most beautiful theory may be slain by just one ugly fact”. And once that happens, it’s just another discarded theory, of interest only to historians of science.

Truth is central to mathematics as well. A mathematician may formulate the most elegant conjectures, but if proved false, he must discard them. To paraphrase Hardy, a mathematician may be a maker of patterns, but the only worthwhile patterns are the ones which are true. So, I’d say, math is certainly much more a science than an art in terms of its primary objectives.

Theories versus Theorems

So does that end the argument? Not quite.
While truth may be central to both science and math, a vital difference exists regarding how truths are established.

To illustrate, consider the General Theory of Relativity. It is the theory that gravity is caused by the curvature of space and time in the presence of matter and energy. Over the past century, the predictions of the theory have been confirmed by dozens of observations and tests – it forms one of the main pillars of our current understanding of the universe.

In contrast, consider the Riemann Hypothesis. It is the statement that all nontrivial zeroes of the Riemann Zeta function lie on the straight line with real part equal to half (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_hypothesis). Over the past century, about 10 trillion zeroes of the function have indeed been found to lie on this line. But all this “observational support” makes no difference – the Riemann hypothesis remains a conjecture, albeit probably the most famous conjecture in mathematics.

On the flip side, none of the confirmations establishes general relativity beyond doubt.
The theory is extremely elegant and has withstood the test of time really well. But the proverbial ugly fact may always show up. In fact, general relativity itself replaced Newton’s theory of gravitation which was considered unassailable for over two centuries before it!

In contrast, if a correct proof is given for the Riemann hypothesis, the hypothesis would become a theorem. One would never have to worry about an unruly zero showing up to topple the edifice, any more than one worries about someone drawing a triangle whose angles add up to more than 180 degrees.

So, whence this difference? Why isn’t it considered adequate to justify a mathematical conjecture by providing a bunch of observations and tests? Conversely, why can’t one prove a scientific theory once and for all?
I will argue that the reason is the essence of the difference between science and mathematics.

Top-down versus Bottom-up

Nobody knows what the Universe really is.
The abstract structure of the universe is hidden from us and we only have access to sensory data about the objects within it – either directly or via our instruments. Trying to figure out this structure is the work of science.

A scientific theory is a statement about fundamental properties of the universe, inferred from observed properties of objects within it.
Of course, not all theories are quite so grand. Most are merely attempt to explain features of a particular class of objects, - say the luminosity of stars. These theories may themselves be based on “deeper” theories – the luminosity of stars, may be explained in terms of nuclear physics, which in turn is based on quantum mechanics.
But ultimately, we want to “get to the bottom” - to work out the ultimate structure of the universe from our observed data.
Science works from the top down.

And this is why a scientific theory can never be proved beyond doubt.
It is ultimately a guess.
We see the surface of the ocean of reality, and try to guess where the bottom is. Our guesses may be very educated indeed, but it is always possible that the bottom is further down, since we can never see it directly. It is even possible that there is no bottom, no ultimate Theory to explain it all.

We can never know with absolute certainty, only with provisional degrees of confidence, always tinged with doubt. We can support our best guesses by gathering additional data, but one never knows whether the next data point will confound us all.

Mathematics, by contrast, works from the bottom up.
There is no doubt at all about what the mathematical entities being studied “really are” – in fact, they are very clearly defined right at the outset. And given the basic properties and definitions, a mathematician tries to work out further properties of the objects of interest.

A mathematical theorem is a statement about properties of mathematical objects, deduced from their fundamental properties.
This is why a mathematical theorem can be proved. It is not a guess about fundamental properties of objects – those are laid out right at the beginning. We already know where the bottom is. The rest is just (?!) deduction and logic.

So where does this leave us?
Given the centrality of “true propositions”, I would place math much closer to the sciences than the arts. However, because of the opposite directions of inference, and the consequent difference in how propositions are verified/falsified, I’d say it’s not entirely accurate to call mathematics a science. But they are so similar, that it makes sense to say “science and math” in the same breath, as people often do.


  1. Rajat Subhra Chakraborty24 March 2010 at 16:49

    Good Job. I am an engineer by training and have no training of sophisticated mathematics beyond college level courses, so what follows might be really naive. I just have one comment - in your writing it seems that you tacitly assume that the "basic properties and definitions" (axioms) from which a mathematical theory is built bottom-up always represents absolute truth. However, results such as "Godel's Incompleteness Theorem(s)" and examples such as the emergence of non-Euclidean geometry inspired by the alternative interpretation (or refutation) of "Playfair's Axiom" cast doubts to this assumption. The axioms of Maths are probably belong to a different class than the theories of physical sciences, but whether they represent the absolute truth is something that human beings would probably never know. I feel the really interesting question worth investigating is why mathematical models about the universe are so "unreasonably accurate", and how the human mind is able to conjure such models. Are there alternative models which are closer to the truth? If yes, what are the chances that we would find them while being limited by our perception and intellect?

  2. Excellent points, Rajat!

    I had thought of putting in the 'foundations of math' issues, but decided they'd be too complex for an 'introductory post' like this. :)

    The way I see it, its not so much whether the axioms are "true" as whether they are consistent - you shouldn't be able to prove a statement both true and false by starting from your axioms.

    And of course, Godel's theorems show that you can in general never prove your axioms to be consistent, and that an axiom system cannot be both consistent and complete (if it is strong enough to define natural numbers).

    So, in metaphorical terms, scientists never know where the foundation is, while mathematicians start from a foundation, but can never be sure that those aren't made of sand !!

    PS: The "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" is an immensely deep mystery. I'll blog about it sometime when I've read up a bit more...

  3. I wish Math were something that it was more ok to just learn. I find it fascinating and I loved doing it in school but got pushed in a not hard science way and am sad to miss it. It is surprisingly difficult to work math skills and learn more in a day to day life. Basic math (heLLO budget spreadsheets!) sure but abstract math? Apparently it isn't a sexy hobby. So I practice it quietly and in tiny bits in knitting and writing sci-fi and MMORPG's (mmm theory crafting weirdly the only thing I miss since I've quit WoW) and failing to learn to program. But I wish there were as many math groups meeting weekly as there are knitting groups. Some day it will be hip!

    Sudipta Bannerjee

  4. Some good postings Anindya. Keep up the work as and when you find time.

  5. Probably the biggest open problem in modern mathematics is the Riemann Hypothesis in analytic number theory (the actual statement is kinda difficult to give; basically it says all non-trivial zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function has real part equal to 1/2), and it turns out that this result would have profound impact in string theory in physics (I know nothing about string theory, so I can't really tell you how, but it does give you an idea).

    Another good one comes from some of my own work in Random Matrix Theory . Random Matrix Theory actually began as a problem in physics where they tried to solve Schrodinger's equation for complicated systems in quantum physics (in standard quantum physics, you get the numbers n, l, m, and s to tell you about the location of a specific electron.....basically this comes from finding the eigenvalues for a particular operator called the Hamiltonian....we make the assumption that we're looking at Hydrogen since there's only one proton, but suppose instead we wanted something like Uranium, which has over 200 interacting particles in its nucleus.....Random Matrix Theory allows us to avoid having to work with the Hamiltonian, which becomes prohibitively complex). Turns out that we can use RMT to model the behavior of prime numbers in number theory, and in fact the model works so well that physicists have begun studying prime numbers to get an idea of the behavior of heavy nuclei, since it's less dangerous to work with primes.

    And that's just the beginning of connections in math and science.

  6. Hi Anindya,

    Good one!Mathematics is non-empirical, and doesn't need to match up to the real world to be "true" (valid). It proceeds from ideas assumed to be true, and works by rules to conclusions. For example, there are many different "Geometries" each based on different sets of fundamental assumptions. All are valid as mathematics, whether they correspond to the real-world or not.

    Science is empirical, and must constantly test its ideas against the real world. If a scientific theory does not correspond to the real world, it is invalid.

    Within science, mathematics is a useful and powerful tool. If fundamental mathematical assumptions are supported by empirical evidence, then mathematics provides powerful methods for coming to new conclusions about the natural world.

    For an interesting essay on the subject, see below...

  7. Mathematics is actually a branch of science.Measurement is essential to science without math we can't conduct experiments.Must say you write really well dude.

    Dhiraj Sharma

  8. Random Matrix Theory:
    Hi, you didn't give your name, but can you refer me to some good books/links on random matrix theory ?
    I've read a bit about the connection between random matrices and distributions of primes - there are even speculation that studying quantum systems might provide a way to prove the Riemann Hypothesis.
    But I know very little, and would like to learn more.

  9. Nice post. It would be enjoyable to read more illustrating mathematics as art.

  10. Hey Anindya,

    Really interesting blog.You're also welcome to read this blog:


  11. Anindya,

    Interesting article! Intriguing point about the main difference between art and science being the attention to truth. But- I've heard it said many times that statistics is an art... and yet it's all about discovering truth from observations of nature! Certainly math favours the use of the left brain more than the right, as does science. But as you pointed out, there are differences: absolute truths in math, but none in science. I've never tried to come up with a definition/description of art.

    It's interesting to see how far we can go with ideas like these. What justifies science? After the question has been pushed as far back as it'll go, we are left with the "problem of induction" considered by Hume, Kant and Popper. It is closely related to the theme that "a scientific theory can never be proved beyond doubt". Why believe anything that science says, if the very next observation might disprove it all? What principle do you use to conclude that, if there are increasing numbers of confirming experiments, you should place more trust in a theory? If you believe that science leads to the truth, it seems you are subscribing to some axioms that cannot be tested. I think Popper says that axioms are unnecessary, that you can come up with entirely empirical reasons to believe in science. I haven't had time to read all the Popper I'd have liked, but the answer should be very interesting!

    To me the following question is even harder: where does math get its validity from? I'm not even sure what the question means, but it bothers me. I can see why Hilbert felt the need for his "Program". I'd like to be able to say something like: "A mathematical truth is a statement that can be derived from the assumed axioms by a finite sequence of logical steps." But after Godel, what is the philosophical standing of math? I don't mean to imply that math doesn't HAVE a solid standing, just that I don't know whether it does, whether it's even possible to give it such a standing, and if such a standing is in place, what it is.

  12. Good points, Rajeev.

    Re Stat: I guess, the saying about statistics applies more to deciding which statistical techniques to use in a given situation etc. The subject itself would be a science or close, and is usually counted as such.

    Re Math and its validity:
    IMO, Godel's theorems bring mathematics even closer to science - they show that mathematical truths are not absolute either.

    In science, a new experiment could undermine your theory by showing that it is inconsistent with Reality.

    Math seems immune to this, since there is no requirement for its axioms to be consistent with Reality. However, the Achilles' Heel here is self-consistency.

    A new observation of the universe could bring your scientific theory crashing down.

    Similarly, in math, someone could find an inconsistency in the axioms defining the objects you are studying and every single theorem about them would be suspect !

    Hilbert had hoped we could circumvent this by proving that the underlying axioms of set theory are consistent. But Godel put paid to that effort.

    Personally, I am content to believe that Absolute Truth (whatever that may be) is probably inaccessible to us and we just have to live with varying degrees of uncertainty.

  13. You're right, statistics is closer to science than to an art. The point people make about statistics being an art is equally applicable to science, however. The scientific method specifies what happens to theories after they are proposed. But how are theories proposed? Popper (you can tell I've been reading his stuff) says there's no principle behind how we come up with theories -- or at least that's not the realm of science. So (per Popper) the method, if any, Einstein used to come up with special relativity is outside the realm of science. Only tests of the theory are within science's scope. If this is true, we could as well talk about "the art of coming up with the right scientific theory"!

    I have a real problem with the issue of induction. Lately it isn't at all clear to me why we would accept "degrees of belief" or "degrees of uncertainty" as having validity. You can choose an axiom that allows you to connect science to truth (Occam's razor or the principle of induction itself being examples) but that's just pushing the question back to justifying that axiom. I still don't have an answer for why one should believe scientific results. (Again, I'm not saying I DON'T believe in scientific discovery -- just that I don't know why I should.)

  14. Well, I'd slide the apply a little differently. I'd say both science and math are about relationships - science is about relationships between objects in our universe, and math is about relationships between mathematical objects. Physical objects are tremendously complex. The "unreasonable effectiveness" comes about because physical objects (or aspects or properties of them, at a given level of abstraction) behave like mathematical objects so we can use the (simpler) mathematical objects to predict some of the behaviors of physical objects.

  15. With respect to art: the only math I ever studied deeply was computation and computability. Both science and art seek symmetries or patterns in relationships. Math appears closer to art because the human mind perceives those symmetries (however expressed: in symbols or visual representations) as beautiful. We can also express some scientific symmetries in math (which makes those equations also beautiful), but I suspect we lack a language to describe the relationships between physical objects in all of their complexity. The model (math, or at least the math we understand) fails at that scale to describe most non-mathematical relationships; you have to look at the real world, the actual universe to perceive what happens.
